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Thursday, January 19, 2012

State of mind, expectations, & company for a few days

Soooo, I've been awake since Chase's alarm went off at 7:55am this morning (despite attempting to go back to sleep after he left.) I got a LOT done this morning/afternoon such as cleaning the kitchen & living room, finished the laundry, took the trash out, & returned emails. 

One of the emails I had to send involved me looking back at some photos I took from last years Sea Gal auditions- from what I wore to pre-audition workshops, to my full makeup'd face for finals, to my photo for actually making it to the finals that was used on the Sea Gals website.

It got me thinking what a great state of mind I was in during that two week process. My skin was clear, I had the perfect tan, I was in GREAT shape, my hair was beautiful, & my makeup rocked. Which has made me think: If everything was so great, why didn't I make the cut for the team?! 

I don't have a concrete answer from the Coach or the other judges, but what I've been thinking the past few weeks is that I EXPECTED to make the team from the very first audition. Not because I thought I was better than everyone else that auditioned, but because I had SO MANY PEOPLE telling me I was going to make it & that I was a "shoo-in" for the team because of my dance experience & confident attitude. Now, I don't blame people for telling me what they was their opinion & they were sharing it with me as such.

This year I am blessed with an opportunity to work with other girls that all have a similar goal, being coached by a former Sea Gal in fitness, makeup, & all aspects of performance. I am 7 lbs heavier than I was at my audition weight. I don't think losing that will be difficult, but I would really love to be down 10-15 lbs by mid-April for this years auditions. 

It's hard for me to get an actual workout while I teach my fitness classes because my body is already so used to the routines & workouts, so Chase has offered to workout with me at our apartment's fitness facility & to only suggest fast food options 1x/week for dinner. Last night, he made Chicken Tagine, which is chicken, tomatoes, onions, fresh cilantro, & lime juice all cooked together IN a Tagine :) It's soooo good and a really healthy idea for lunch or dinner. 

I'm thinking about walking to the grocery store (yes, it's still snowing here!) for some more ingredients to make stuffed peppers. We're going to be having company for a few of Chase's co-workers lives on a sailboat and needs a warmer place to stay while this awful weather is going on. We have a spare bedroom & a queen sized air mattress that isn't being used. I'm glad we have the means to help someone that needs it. Hopefully Apollo doesn't invade his space too much!

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