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Monday, January 14, 2013

I'm no good at following guidelines...

Alright. I'm gonna admit it: I SUCK AT FOLLOWING GUIDELINES!!

I tried to stick with a 10 week workout plan, & I succeeded for a few days, but then life got in the way. I don't think I was meant to follow guidelines. I'm not that strict of a person! It's hard when you have a boyfriend that is naturally skinny. Chase can stop drinking beer, replace it with whiskey & lose 10 lbs. Me? I barely drink at all, so I have nothing to stop or replace whenever we go out! I ask for water with some lemon...DD all night baby!

My weakness? All things sugar-related. I've said many times that I would rather eat than drink my calories. Chase & I are both noticing a change in our bodies as we get older. He doesn't like working out (which is fine with me) & I don't like depriving myself (not so fine). We both like to eat like we're 5 years old...but we both enjoy healthy salads, and healthy breakfast foods.

In a brief discussion this morning, we decided to plan what we're going to eat for lunch and dinner while driving to work in the mornings. (He's able to come home for lunch everyday.) We bought some whole grain wraps at Trader Joe's this weekend and have discussed eating those for lunch the next few days with some grilled chicken & veggies. Dinners will consist of homemade turkey bacon & spinach quiche's as well as Chase's fantastic homemade chili.

I will say this so it's public, but there's no 100% guarantee. I'm trying for the ever so slight lifestyle change so it's good for both of us & not something I'm trying to do alone while he sits in the corner sulking that I'm not able to eat what he's eating. I've done the whole, "don't ask me what's for dinner because I'm doing a cleanse this week" and it's taken its toll. I need to stop my "quick fix" thinking, and focus on slight lifestyle changes...that being said, I'm on my 2nd cup of detox tea! I can't get enough! It tastes surprisingly good!

Detox Tea:
8 oz hot water
1/2 lemon squeezed
2-3 shakes cinnamon & cayenne pepper
1 cap full of apple cider vinegar

This tea is said to help suppress hunger and regulate blood sugar levels. Thanks, Pinterest ;)

Monday, January 7, 2013

10 Week Workout Plan (Pinterest)

Today, my post is about Pinterest. This website/application gives us the capability to "pin" things we want to remember on different online boards. My favorite thing to find on Pinterest is workout plans and healthy meal planning. For some reason today, I decided to put into action something that I pinned yesterday. It's a 10 Week Workout Plan that gives you daily exercises and weekly cardio assignments.
January 7th, 2013 marks my first day/week of trying out this program. Here are some photos I took after my first workout today. Hopefully I'll look like the model above soon ;) (but with bigger boobs!)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A new kind of resolution: 2013 style

It wouldn't be a New Year without a Resolution or FIVE! 2012 was a year of welcomed changes in the CB household. Chase got a new job, I got some new dance/teaching gigs, and Apollo got a lot of new stuff that made both Chase & I's lives easier/more fun! I've decided that my resolution this year will not be health-based like everyone else's seem to be. (Though I do work in the health/fitness industry.)

My resolution(s) for 2013 are personal & professionally based:
*Teach/take more classes & get certified to teach a different type of class other than dance-fitness based
*Recruit more people outside of the gym/studio to take my classes
*Walk Apollo 5 days per week, & play with him at home (more often than telling him to go lie down on the couch!)
*Go on a real DATE with Chase (outside of our apartment) at least once a week.
*Find a hobby other than sitting at home &/or blogging!!

Not to get down on everyone who makes health/weight loss resolutions, but 9 times out of ten- they don't stick!! If I were to make a health based resolution this year, it would be to try different types of exercise classes I wouldn't normally go to. Such as, CYCLING or a YOGA class. I've never in my life taken a Cycling class, but I LOVE riding the stationary bikes at the gym!

I'm not making it a part of my resolution, but I will say a BIG goal for 2013 is to become a Certified Personal Trainer :-D The only thing that's been holding me back is saving enough money to be able to afford both the materials and the test fees. I feel Personal Training is something that I would be good at with all my other licenses and background training with Massage Therapy, Dancing, & Group Fitness.